The Florham Park Gazebo Concert Series - Our 44th year
NEW FOR 2024! !! MEGA 50/50 !!NEW FOR 2024!
There are still a few tickets available for the MEGA 50/50 raffle (only 500 tickets to be sold). Sales for this MEGA 50/50 raffle will conclude on Sunday night at the closing night concert, about thirty minutes before the drawing of the winning ticket which is scheduled for 8:40 PM. Tickets will be available from any gazebo committee member.
The drawing for this MEGA 50/50 will be at the final concert on July 28 at approximately 8:40 PM. In the event that Mother Nature does not cooperate with us, the drawing will STILL be held on July 28, at 8:40 PM at the gazebo and the winner will be notified.